Monday, November 24, 2008

Craft Weekend Pictures!

I had the best weekend with Dane, Sam and Jason. We painted wine glasses, made cards, ate some delicious food, and got to hang out. It was very relaxing and I hope we get to do it again soon!

Here's some pictures of the wine glasses we painted. My favorite is the one with the black swirls. They all look so cool when you look into them.

We had a little incident with the cat. Baylee got a big curious about what we were doing, so she jumped up onto the table when we weren't looking and started stealing our paintbrushes. The picture is blurry, but you can see her wit her head in the cups we had our paintbrushes in. Apparently she plays with paint brushes, not cat toys.

But then she stepped in some orange paint...

Other than the paw prints, everything was great. Thanks Sam and Jason for having us over :)

Laughing myself silly

Pretty sure this speaks for itself...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I feel like I've been a terrible blogger lately. I had a great weekend with Dane. We went to a ska show. I haven't been to one in forever! We saw his favorite band, The Pietasters. I surprised him with tickets to the show about a month ago. Just so happened while we were standing at the bar, the lead singer of the band walked over and Dane got to have a nice chat with him. He got his picture taken too! The Pietasters were great too, it was such a fun show!

Things have been so hectic! So a few updates:

- I'm choreographing a kickline routine for Lasell College's Dance Team. I'm the advisor to the group and it is so much fun!

- Dane and I have appointments to see 6 different venues for the reception next week when we're in NY for Thanksgiving.

- I have been buying presents for my niece and sister like crazy. I just can't help myself. So far we are up to three Classical Baby DVD's, and Ugly Doll, about 20 pictures of Abby, and an 8x10 poster I made.

- Jenna's birthday is next week!

- Craft weekend is coming up and I am SO excited! Dane is too, but because he gets to play with Jason and the Wii while Sam and I do crafty things.

- Paper has been purchased for invitations to the wedding and Scott is amazing.

- We may get the chance to work with a wedding planner, for free! Thanks to my cousin Allison :)

- I love apples with peanut butter.

- I can't stop watching the puppies.

- I've had the Godfather: Part 2 at home for a week now. It's 4 hours and I haven't been able to bring myself to sit still for that long.

OK, I think that is all for now!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Please accept this spider as payment

Melissa Lulay just made my day with this post. Brilliant man.

I'm SO happy that it's Friday. Even though Tuesday was a holiday and I didn't have to work, I feel like this week has been really long. In one hour I will drive home, put my pj's on, eat dinner, and go to Dane's to watch The Godfather: Part 2 on his new gigantic LCD tv. Maybe we'll even have some ice cream. That would be amazing.

I can't wait until next weekend for my craft time with Sam! We're going to scrapbook, paint wine glasses, make cards, play with our blogs, and I might even teach her how to crochet. It's going to be a really intense weekend. So fun :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Distraction by Puppy

If you ever needed a little break at work, or some cheering up after a long day, this is the thing for you.

Yes, that's right. It's a puppy cam. These little Shiba Inu pups like to nap and snuggle. They also like to play with each other and their stuffed toys. Especially the carrot. I seriously have this on and really small in the corner of my desktop right now so I can look up for some puppy love anytime I need it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween! A Little Late...

Just wanted to post pictures of us on Halloween! I loved our costumes and we had a lot of fun at Scott's apartment. We played Cranium as a team of 4 and we won!

I know the geek costumes are a stretch for Dane and I. OK, not really, we are pretty much geeks. Best part of the costumes is we will both totally wear those t-shirts again. I think Emily has decided not to wear her mustache again, although I think it was a nice addition.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins!

What an amazing day in history! We have woken up to the first African American president in United States history, Barack Obama. I was up, like many people last night, watching the returns and waiting to hear who our next Commander in Chief would be. That plan fell through, because I fell asleep at 9:30pm after Dane tucked me into bed. But, this morning the first thing I did was turn on the news to hear that Barack Obama is our President Elect! I'm so excited for this time in history, and glad to have cast my vote in this historic election.

Best of all, because Barack promised, his daughters get a new puppy to bring to the White House! I wonder what kind of puppy they will get.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Look to the cookie

I really love black and white cookies, so I figured what better way to celebrate their yumminess than by doing a blog post about them. I would like to thank Sam and Jason for getting these cookies for me as a thank you for helping them move this weekend. I packed a cookie to take to work with me today for a snack. I have been looking forward to it all day. Now it is time to eat it.

The cookie has quite a history. Some may remember the Seinfeld episode that brough the phrase "Look to the cookie" into our vocabulary. There's also a great recipe on that page you can try if you want to make your own black and white cookies. Enjoy!

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